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18-25 October 2025


- 7 DAYS
- DISTANCE: 600 km

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  • Registration + Mechanics + Physiotherapy (45 minutes)
  • Mechanical Assitance
  • Physiotherapy services (45 minutes)
  • Yes
  • No

1 925 €

tax incl.

BRASIL RIDE Bahía 2025

Servicios exclusivos de mecánica, fisioterapia y traslado de bicicleta.

Viaje Acompañantes - CONSULTAR
Transfer Bicicleta/Corredor - CONSULTAR


  • Washing, tuning and mechanical tests at each stage.

  • Stock of spare parts and material transport from headquarters TBellès.

  • Advice and step by step approach by our technicians and racers.


  • Massages pre and post stage by our team of physiotherapists


  • Possibility of transfer service of the corridor and the bicycle to consult.


  • Possibility of managing flight and hotel packages to consult


STAGE 1 (PRÓLOGO) | 23/10/2022 | Arraial d'Ajuda - Arraial d'Ajuda
DISTANCE: 20,8 kilometros
ALTIMETRY: 327 metros


STAGE 2 | 24/10/2022 | Arraial d'Ajuda - Guaratinga
DISTANCE: 132 kilometros
ALTIMETRY: 2.350 metros


STAGE 3 | 25/10/2022 | Guaratinga - Guaratinga
DISTANCE: 58,7 kilometros 
ALTIMETRY: 1.350 m


STAGE 4 | 26/10/2022 | Guaratinga - Guaratinga

DISTANCE: 103 kilometros
ALTIMETRY: 2.377 m



STAGE 5 | 27/10/2022 | Guaratinga - Arraial d'Ajuda
DISTANCE: 140 kilometros
ALTIMETRY: 2.336 metros



STAGE 6 (XCO) | 28/10/2022 | Arraial d'Ajuda - Arraial d'Ajuda
DISTANCE: 8 km a la redonda | 4 VUELTAS
ALTIMETRY: 147 mp / ronda | 4 VUELTAS


STAGE 7 | 29/10/2022 | Arraial d'Ajuda - Arraial d'Ajuda
DISTANCE: 46,7 kilometros
ALTIMETRY: 548 metros


In October, southern Bahia, better known as the Discovery Coast, hosts the world's premier premium mountain bike stage race. The cyclists will depart from Porto Seguro-Arraial d'Ajuda, where the first Portuguese landed in Brazil, in 1500. The athletes head inland through the mountains that divide the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais, and return to the coast to receive the desired finished shirt.

It's seven days in a perfect setting for the best experience of your life! The structure provided by the organization, compared only to the largest ultramarathons in the world, provides the competitors with everything they need; hydration points, food, camping, technical support and medical assistance while athletes only worry about what they like to do, cycling. Each race day has an average of 80 to 100 kilometers of the purest mountain bike. The real challenge of this event is not only to win, but to get to know yourself, live the sport, push the limits and get as close as possible to nature.

Side by side, sports lovers and national and world MTB stars will undertake this journey through the heart of Brazil. On the trail, at the dinner table, in the camp, the fraternization and exchange of experiences among athletes is one of the pillars of the event. Brasil Ride has the categories DOUBLE OPEN, DOUBLE WOMEN, DOUBLE MIXED, DOUBLE MASTER (no athlete under 40 years old in the Master category), DOUBLE GRANDMASTER (no athlete under 50 years old), NELORE (over 90 kg), CORPORATE TRIO (3 members with at least 35 years and the sum of ages equal to or greater than 115 years) and DOUBLE IRON RIDER.

New for 2022 will be the SOLO categories: SOLO ELITE MALE AND FEMALE (athletes with a UCI license in the ELITE and U23 categories). ONLY MALE AND FEMALE OPEN (for all athletes over 19 years old. UCI licensed athletes are not allowed in this category) and "Places are limited to 500 athletes", warns the organizer and ultramarathon runner Mario Roma.


Santander Brasil Ride is the largest organized Mountain Bike event that offers the best service and infrastructure in the Americas. From the start of the race, the athletes only need to concentrate on the race, everything else will be taken care of by the organization. On camping days in Guaratinga, a full buffet breakfast is served.

The organization offers hydration points, water and dispersion points where water, isotonic drinks, fruits and carbohydrates are available free of charge throughout the course. It offers participants a medical team specialized in rescues in remote areas, ICU ambulances, motorcycles with paramedics on the way, as well as a fully equipped medical station in the Brasil Ride arenas to attend to eventual emergencies. After the finish of each stage, Shimano's bike wash and neutral support services will be available.

The athletes' bags are transported by the organization on travel days between Vilas Brasil Ride. Individual tents in Guaratinga, with mattresses and sheets, are provided by the organization, where cyclists, after an exhausting day of pedaling, can rest and enjoy a comfortable night's sleep. VIP bungalows are also available, with advance purchase, for added comfort. Enclosed bathrooms with showers offer athletes a relaxing soak after a grueling day in the saddle. In the Brasil Ride Lounge (chill area), athletes can find comfort and enjoy drinks, food, massages and Internet connection.

It's the perfect place to kick back, enjoy a cold beer, exchange stories and mingle with fans and peers after a hard day of racing. At the end of each day, the presentation dinner provides drivers with an international buffet, with entertainment such as editing the best photos and images from the stage and awarding the champions of the day.


Santander Brasil Ride Bahia was included in the Statute of the União Cyclística Internacional (UCI) in 2013. At the time, it was the only staged mountain bike event on the American continent to appear on the UCI calendar. Santander Brasil Ride Bahia is classified as an S1 event, distributing cash prizes and points for the world ranking.


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